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BIZ 1301: Principles of Public Relations

Newspaper subscriptions

Searching newspaper archives for national papers can be helpful for the early PR pioneer assignment. Below are three newspapers that ONU subscribes to, and then tips and tricks for searching them are also included further down the page. 

Searching the New York Times

Overview about using the New York Times:
This video, while for a different class, explains how to search for historical articles in the New York Times.

Searching Wall Street Journal

The search function on the Wall Street Journal website is NOT the best way to search for articles there. A better way to search the Wall Street Journal is to use Google and add the following to your search terms:

For example:

keystone pipeline site:

This will bring back only results from the Wall Street Journal site and with better relevancy than the function on the Wall Street Journal's site.

The video below is an overview of using the Wall Street Journal: