The most important thing to know before you begin your research is whether your company is publicly held or privately held. This information will inform where you search for information. U.S. law requires pubicly held companies to disclose certain information. Most private companies opt not to disclose this information. Thus, if you are researching a small private company, you may need to rely on local news and information sources.
Primary NAICCODE: Public Relations Agencies - 541820
US SIC Codes
Primary SICCODE: Public relations services - 87430000
Always a good place to start out and test your topic: Search ONU, the library's database that searches most of the other databases, e-journals, e-books, the POLAR catalog, as well as the OhioLINK catalog.
Databases relevant to PR, Business, Marketing, and Communication:
You do not need to create an account. Industry financial ratios, local industry market research, competitive market analysis and more by US location.
PR Academic Journals:
PR Trade Journals: