When searching for primary sources in POLAR, OhioLINK, or WorldCat try adding the following terms to your search:
POLAR - Library Online Catalog
WorldCat searches the collections of libraries around the world, including many archival materials. It is most helpful for finding copies of more obscure books. Try:
It may be possible to request books via Interlibrary Loan.
Try the beta site ArchiveGrid to search archival materials exclusively.
Google Books is most helpful for searching within books to determine how much coverage there is on your topic. Full text is limited, but you can often get a good idea of what is included in the book.
Please use Interlibrary Loan for materials not available through the library's resources and not available through OhioLINK. You may request journal articles, books and DVDs through Interlibrary Loan. From the time of request, books usually arrive in 10-12 days. Journal articles are usually delivered electronically and arrive within 3-5 days. For further information on requesting materials go to: