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A quick guide on the institutional repository at Ohio Northern University

Faculty CV Program

As a service to the faculty and staff of Ohio Northern University, the University Libraries offers to add any works from a member's CV to the repository.

The Faculty CV Program offers members of ONU faculty or staff to submit their CVs to the University Libraries, and allow an ONU librarian to add any scholarly works created while affiliated with the University listed there to the repository on their behalf.

To be eligible for the program a faculty or staff member must meet the following criteria:

  • Must be a current member of ONU faculty or staff
  • Must have an updated CV with their most recent works created at the University added
    • New hires can also submit their CVs, even if they have not yet created any scholarly work while at ONU! Works from the previous academic year will be added, regardless of institution affiliation.  

After you've submitted your CV to the libraries, a librarian will begin the process of adding works to the repository. Depending on the copyright status, the librarian may reach out to you in regards to any available copies of a particular work that you may have. The librarian may also ask for your permission to contact any publisher you've worked with on your behalf to inquire about adding an appropriate copy of a work to the repository. 

To participate in the program, please email your CV to the libraries at

Uploading Works as a Member of Faculty/Staff

When submitting works to DigitalCommons@ONU, remember these general rules:

  1. The author(s) must own copyright to all materials submitted or be granted permission from the copyright holder to deposit their materials in the institutional repository.
  2. Author(s) retain copyright ownership and Ohio Northern University makes no claims of ownership for institutional repository contributions.
  3. All submissions will require a signed non-exclusive license attached as a supplemental material.
  4. Current/emeritus faculty and staff members of Ohio Northern University may submit their original works. If revisions are to be made, they must be done before the final draft is submitted. Pre-prints are considered completed works.Works contributed should either be creative, scholarly in nature, research-oriented or of institutional significance.