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RELG 3011: Christian Thought 1500 to the Present

Background Information

Here are some options for finding background information:

Google your topic!

At this stage in your research, looking at relevant websites can be help you narrow or refine your topic.  Look for information from government websites and organizational websites to find background information.  

Utilize your textbooks

Peruse your textbooks to find background information on your selected topic.  

Find books in the library

Find reference books like encyclopedias or dictionaries in the library's catalog that provide background information on your topic in the library.  


Identify and Generate Keywords

Identify Keywords

Identify keywords that relate to your topic to assist you when you are searching for resources. Often different words can describe the same concepts and as a researcher, you can never be sure which keywords will bring back the information you are looking for.  

Brainstorm related terms, broader terms and narrower terms related to your topic.  

chart outlining keywords. full text is available in document below.

Keyword Generators