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Open Educational Resources


Library Educational Resources are items purchased or licensed by the library which could be used as course materials. They are not considered OER because they are not free to distribute, nor can they be revised. However, they would be accessible to students and still reduce course costs! 

With some exceptions, database articles can be used as course readings. If you choose to use database articles, please link to them from Moodle rather than adding the PDF to Moodle to respect copyright and ensure that the library is able to keep accurate statistics.

For additional help with using library resources in class, please visit the guide linked below.

When using library resources, it’s important to use permanent links with the proxy prefix for off-campus users. 


The library tries to acquire electronic copies of textbooks with unlimited users when possible, however most traditional textbook publishers do not license to libraries. Please contact us if you would like us to check availability for your textbook or a book you are considering.