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PSYC 3401: Experimental Psychology

Search Limiters

PsycINFO includes a number of useful limiters to help you narrow your search. To find empirical research articles, select Peer Reviewed Journal in the Publication Type box, and EMPIRICAL STUDY in the Methodology box. You can even select specific types of empirical studies to further focus your search.

screenshot of psychinfo limiters

Creating an EBSCO Account

As part of our EBSCO databases, users can create an account to save searches. In order to utilize this feature, you'll first need an EBSCO account. The instructions below will guide you through the process of creating an account:

  1. From the EBSCO database of your choice, select the Sign In button in the top blue bar of the page

    The button is located towards the top right
  2. Next, on the Sign In page, select the link labeled Create one now towards the bottom of the page to create an account. The linked page should look like the one below:

    The linked page should have fields where you can enter your information
  3. Fill out the required information. It is not required to use your ONU email address, but it is recommended
  4. Press the Continue button once you've successfully entered your information. If you cannot select the button, double check that you've entered your information correctly and that you've agreed to the EBSCO Data Retention Policy by check marking the box next to it.
  5. Once you've finished entering your information, you'll be able to log into your EBSCO account.