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Helpful Books

Research Tips and Techniques

Finding Tools

You can search by keywords and subject heading in Heterick Memorial Library's catalog. Keyword searching is better for broad searching and for when you are beginning your research. Subject searching is better for narrower searches.

 POLAR - Library Online Catalog


OHIOLINK Library Catalog

What is OhioLINK?

Google Books Search

Google Book Search

Interlibrary Loan

Please use Interlibrary Loan for materials not available through the library's resources and not available through OhioLINK.  You may request journal articles, books and DVDs through Interlibrary Loan.  From the time of request, books usually arrive in 10-12 days.  Journal articles are usually delivered electronically and arrive within 3-5 days. Please visit Heterick's ILL page for more information about requesting items:

Interlibrary Loan at Heterick

For further questions about Interlibrary Loan, please email: