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Law Career Services Resources: Public Interest Legal Careers

Job Searching - Public Interest Legal Careers

Below are job search sites spefic to public service employment:
  • PSJD (Public Service Jobs Directory)
    A database where public interest and government organizations post job openings and spread the word about their missions and programs.

  • Civil Rights Career Center
    Open positions at The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights and The Leadership Conference Education Fund, as well as at our member organizations and other civil rights organizations throughout the country.

  • Equal Justice Works
    Equal Justice Works, formerly the National Association for Public Interest Law (NAPIL), organizes, trains, and supports public service-minded law students and creates and funds summer and post-graduate public interest jobs.

  • Idealist
    Comprehensive listing of public service positions, both legal and non-legal, in over 140 countries. This is an especially good site for post-graduate job listings. Searchable by subject matter, country, type of position, and other categories. ( Note: A search for “legal” in the “Search whole site” field of the main page returns more job listings than a specialized “Jobs” search for category “legal.”)

  • National Legal Aid & Defender Association
    National Legal Aid & Defender Association. Job Opportunities “includes positions in civil legal services, defender organizations, pro bono and public interest organizations, public interest law firms”

  • Foundation Center
    Provides information about every foundation in the country. Much of this information is free, but some of it is for paying subscribers only. Job corner contains a database of job openings in foundations, corporate grantmakers, and other nonprofit organizations. Searchable by type of employer and region.

  • National Fair Housing Advocate
    Lists positions with organizations and governmental agencies dealing with fair housing issues.

  • Public Citizen
    Career opportunities with the organization Public Citizen

    public interest and government organizations to post job openings and spread the word about their missions and programs - See more at:
    The idea behind PBS was simple: to create a database of organizations serving under-represented communities that could be searched by law students interested in volunteering. - See more at:
    The idea behind PBS was simple: to create a database of organizations serving under-represented communities that could be searched by law students interested in volunteering. - See more at:
    |The idea behind PBS was simple: to create a database of organizations serving under-represented communities that could be searched by law students interested in volunteering. - See more at:

Other Resources

ABA - Pro Bono and Public Service Resources