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Taggart Law Library Guide: Virtual Whiteboard


Welcome to the Virtual Taggart Whiteboard!

This is a space to find polls, games, and breaks from the daily grind of law school, and updates on current engagement activities. New content will be added regularly. Feel free to send recommendations or thoughts for new content to Bridget Buckley at

Enjoy until we see you in the non-digital world!


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March Madness Rules

The Taggart Library Team is happy to announce we will be hosting another March Madness Tournament this year. Each week, your favorite fast food restaurant will face off against each other for the final crown!

Each student can submit one completed bracket before the start of the March Madness tournament. Brackets will be available for submission from February 10th through February 23rd. Each student who submits a bracket will be entered into a raffle for their choice of one of three prizes. Finished brackets must either be submitted online through or handed in at the circulation desk by closing on February 23rd. Instructions on how to submit your bracket through our online portal can be found below. To be considered complete and counted, students must pick a winner for each match from Round 1 until the championship (i.e. filling in each bracket). Remember your bracket selections are your predictions for what team (fast-food restaurant) you believe will win by popular vote on campus, not which restaurant you would like to win. 

Points will be awarded for each correct prediction. Only one bracket entry is allowed per student. When submitting your bracket, please include your ONU email and a name for your bracket. This name will be visible to all participants on the leaderboard, so please keep it appropriate. This name can be your name, i.e. “Bridget’s Bracket”, or something more fun, such as “Church of Bracketology” or “Laws to the Wall” (both names from last year).

Tournament voting will begin on Monday, February 24th. During the voting period, four matches will be posted on the whiteboard in front of the circulation desk for two days. Students will have the opportunity to vote, via tally,  for one team (fast food restaurant) in each match. The team with the most votes at the end of the second day will move on to the next round of the tournament. We highly encourage students to use the honor code and vote only ONCE per match. As matches will only stay on the whiteboard for one or two days, depending on the tournament round, please cast your vote on the whiteboard as soon as you can. If you do not submit a bracket, you are still allowed to vote on the matches but will not have a chance to win any prizes. 

At the end of each round, we will share the voting totals for each match-up and current bracket standings through our online portal, found here. Bracket standings will be based on a scoring system. We will award 1 point for correct predictions in the first round, 2 in the second round, 4 in the third, 8 in the fourth, and 16 in the final round. At the end of the tournament, the student with the highest point total will receive the grand prize, a set of MBE flashcards, a Westlaw tote bag, and a Themus travel mug. In the event of a tie between students, the winner will be based on who predicted the highest number of outcomes correctly.

*Faculty and Staff are encouraged to submit a bracket and vote but are ineligible for prizes. 


March Madness Rules Summary  

  • Each student can submit only one completed bracket by February 23rd to be entered into a raffle and have a chance to win the final prize.

  • Brackets must be submitted either online through or on paper to the front desk.

  • Brackets must be filled out with your predictions of who you believe would win in a popular vote on campus for every match-up, from Round 1 to the final Championship.

  • Tournament voting will begin on February 24th with match-ups posted on the whiteboard in front of the Circulation Desk. 

  • Voting periods will range between two to one day depending on the tournament round 

  • Points will be awarded to students for each correct prediction. We will award 1 point for correct predictions in the first round, 2 in the second round, 4 in the third, 8 in the fourth, and 16 in the final round. 

  • At the end of the tournament, the student with the highest point total will receive the grand prize.

  • We will share the voting totals for each match-up at the end of the voting round and current bracket standings through our online portal, found here.

Using the Online March Madness Platform

How to Submit Your Bracket Predictions Online

To submit your bracket predictions, go to On the main page you will click the green "Create a prediction" button, shown below.

Once here, you must click the TV show title, "team", you believe will win that round and the system with automatically move it forward to the next game box.

If you believe a particular team will win multiple match ups, you do not need to drag and drop it to each box. You can drag the title directly to the round you believe it will reach and the system will automatically fill in the previous match-ups, as indicated by the purple boxes shown below. Tip: If your screen does not show the full bracket, you may need to grab and drag the bracket over to edit the remaining rounds. 

Once you finish filling in the bracket, scroll down to fill out the "Prediction Info" before submitting. Here you will select your final winner, title your prediction and enter your email address. For your prediction title, you can use your name or create a fun name, but remember this name will appear on the leaderboard, so please keep it appropriate. We also ask that you use your ONU email to ensure we know to whom the bracket belongs. Once done, you will click on the orange "submit" button. 

How to See Your Bracket Standing and Current Points

To see your current standing in the tournament, you must click on the "Predictions" tab from the left-side menu, shown below.

This will show you your current ranking, score, potential points remaining, and the points earned each round, as well as all other competitors. 

Virtual Puzzle

Need to unwind, try our virtual puzzle!

The Jury's Out 

The Taggart Library is excited to introduce its new daily poll! The Taggart Team will be putting out a new question every day for students and faculty to either vote on or write an answer on our trusty whiteboard. So, don't forget to stop by the Library lobby and submit your votes each morning!


If you would like to submit a question for our daily poll, please fill out our Google Form found here: Daily Poll Suggestion Form.

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