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Rule of Law Research: Home


Welcome to this research guide on the rule of law. Researching rule of law initiatives and conditions can be challenging due to the interdisciplinary nature of the topic, combining law, international relations, area studies, and the full range of social sciences. 

Relevant materials are wide-ranging, from evidence of governmental and intergovernmental actions, to “soft law” such as United Nations resolutions and nongovernmental organization reports, to statistical surveys and news accounts.  Documents can be voluminous and poorly organized and may be issued by many organizations worldwide, some with insufficient recordkeeping and reporting mechanisms due to post-conflict and transitional conditions. 

The resources listed in this guide are good places to start your research. Many different sources are available to you to conduct your research in the Taggart Law Library. If you have questions or need more help after using this research guide, please contact one of our librarians.  We are ready to assist you with your research!

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The Taggart Law Library is here to help! Schedule an appointment with a librarian or chat with us using our online chat feature. Open to ONU Law students, faculty, staff, and alumni. 

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Dustin Johnston-Green
Tilton Hall of Law
Room 134