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Faculty Services: Reference Services

Reference and Research

Reference librarians are available to assist with any research or library-related questions through email, live messaging services, and in person. We can assist you with access to the full range of resources provided by both the Taggart Law Library and the Heterick Memorial Library. We will work with you to obtain resources to support your research and pedagogy. You can coordinate any of these services by contacting or by scheduling a reference appointment here.

Request Articles, Books, Primary Materials, etc.

We will obtain and deliver materials to faculty upon request. Faculty can request materials from the POLAR catalog by submitting a Hold Request form here. If a title isn’t accessible at the library, we will attempt to get it from OhioLink or interlibrary loan. 

Journal Routing

We will route journals directly to you. Please let the law librarians know which journals you would like to receive at your office, or which electronic tables of contents you would like sent to your email address.

Research and Citation Management

For information on research and citation management options such as Zotero, Evernote, and others, please contact our law librarians for more information. You can also check out our Note-Taking Tools guide here.

Current Awareness Services

The library offers a range of services to help you stay up to date with developments in your particular areas of research and interest. For example, setting up personalized Google search alerts.

You have access to current awareness services (including docket and scholarship tracking) through Westlaw, LexisNexis, and HeinOnline’s Electronic Table of Contents (eTOC) and Smart CILP. We can help you set up searches to run automatically on a daily/weekly/monthly basis that will provide you with breaking scholarship in a variety of disciplines.

InterLibrary Loan (ILL)

Interlibrary loan (ILL) is a service that allows ONU faculty, students and staff to borrow books and other materials from libraries around the world.

For more details, see Interlibrary Loan (ILL).

Database Subscription

All ONU law faculty (including adjunct faculty) have access to Westlaw, Lexis, HeinOnline, JSTOR and several others that can be found here. For Lexis and Westlaw access, please contact the library to receive registration codes. 

Databases available through Heterick Memorial Library can be found here

Research and Database Training

We can visit you in your office to help you access our resources. We can also show you how to access resources from off-campus through the ONU proxy server. Simply schedule an appointment with one of our reference librarians using our scheduling page, found here

Research Assistants

The Taggart Law Library offers a variety of services to law faculty research assistants including proxy borrowing for faculty, training and other research support.

The library provides training for all new research assistants in early June. We’re happy to provide instruction and support to your research assistants at any time. Please contact our law librarians for assistance.

Reference Appointments

The Taggart Law Library is here to help! Schedule an appointment with a librarian or chat with us using our online chat feature. Open to ONU Law students, faculty, staff, and alumni.