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European Union Research: A Beginner's Guide: Getting Started

Background on European Union

These sites have good background about the EU and its legal system.

  • Europa - Gateway to the European Union - For background, look at About the EU. The EU by topic, and EU institutions and bodies sections are also very helpful. The Your Europe portal is a great first online stop if you are looking for information about how the law protects rights and impacts many aspects of daily life in EU member states.  The EU created this site to “help you do things in other European countries,” including “moving, living, studying, working or simply travelling[.]” 
  • Europa's EU Law page - Brief summaries of major types of law and processes.
  • EU Guide for Americans - See especially Chapter 2, "How Is the EU Run?" (This Guide for Americans is a 45-page PDF document by the European Union Delegation to the United States.)
  • Europeana – a portal providing centralized access to legal and other cultural resources from digital collections of thousands of cultural institutions across Europe. Funded by the European Union, and via collective efforts of 37 aggregators, Europeana currently retains over 50 million cultural items in textual, photographic, and/or audio/visual formats.

Official European Union Websites

These are sites for the European Union as a whole, for some of its constituent bodies, and for its laws and legislation.

Westlaw Materials

Westlaw has extensive collections of European legal materials. 

Lexis Materials

Lexis's EU materials are available via the "International" tab in the "Explore Content" section of Lexis Advance.